
时间:2024-05-19 作者:婉约派



今天我们为大家精选的是一篇英文誓言短句爱情,爱情是一道光让你看清整个世界,就像是大大的游乐场,让我们欢歌笑语,爱情是一种无需张扬的感觉让人感到淡然和温馨。 有没有一句爱情句子可以让你热泪盈眶?

1、You dont know how to cook. Stay with me and Ill make it for you later!

2、Wake up in the morning and see you and the sunshine are there. Thats the future I want.

3、Thanks for your presence, I have been happy for many years.

4、You love me most. I cant think when I say it, but after thinking about it, I still say it like this.

5、懂得的人懂得放弃,真诚的人懂得牺牲,快乐的人懂得超然。对于那些不爱自己的人来说,他们最需要的是理解、放弃和祝福。过分放纵自己就是乞求施舍。爱和被爱是一件幸福的事。别让这变成痛苦。 我想要给你幸福,谁都拦不住!

6、Every time I drink too much, I miss you very much. Later I found that I miss you very much.

7、For me, you are all the love of my life.

8、The wicked obey because of fear, and the good obey because of love.

9、Walking together is fate. Walking together is happiness.

10、You dont want me, I dont blame you, after all, Im not in your heart.

11、You dont mean to go through the wind, but you lead to mountain torrents.

12、Love is a lovely tyranny, and lovers are willing to suffer from it.

13、Give me a lipstick and Ill give you a little bit every day.

14、Lovers live by love, just as larks live by leeks.

15、The first time I met you, like the breeze, like the warm sun, like a girls dream.

16、Smoke less and drink less wine. I want to stay with you for more years.

17、In addition to the cold front is warm front, I hope our relationship can become quasi static stop front.

18、Love is more difficult to hide than a felony of murder; the night of love has the sun at noon.

19、If I were a cat, I would like to live with you in nine lives.

20、The monkey in love is beautiful, and the deer in love is also a fairy.

21、I will not ask you how you are in the future, I will accompany you to the old.

22、Ask you a silly question, if I like you, what should I do?
