
时间:2024-05-22 作者:婉约派



“Two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。”婉约派小编为您精挑细选的婚礼英文短句唯美句子文章让您快速掌握相关知识。新婚典礼从来都是一个值得见证的人生历程,参加婚宴的时候,结婚祝福语是必不可少的。希望这些句子能为您提供一些有用的学习资料!

1、Two hearts beating as one, two souls united in love. Today, we join hands and become one in marriage.


3、I promise to be your partner in all things, not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole. 我承诺成为你事事相伴的伴侣,不是要占有你,而是作为整体的一部分与你共同努力。

4、Life is the flower for which love is the honey. 生命是花,而爱情是蜜糖。

5、Love is a journey, and today we begin our journey together as one, ready to face any challenge and cherish every moment together.


7、The dress is very beautiful and special. It is white and simple, making the bride looks pure. At the same time, it has a deep V-neck which can perfectly show the brides feminine attraction. The design of the draping hemline is classic. In a word, the whole dress is a combination of being pure and sex, modern and classic。

8、Our love is a fairytale, and today we create a new chapter. 我们的爱如童话般美丽,今天我们写下新的篇章。

9、With every kiss and every step we take, our love grows stronger and our bond grows tighter. 每一个吻和每一步我们迈出,我们的爱情变得更强大,我们的纽带更加紧密。


11、Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. 爱是由两个身体共同拥有的赤子之心。


13、Marriage does not guarantee you will be together forever. It's only paper. It takes love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship, and faith in your relationship to make it last.

14、Today is the start of our forever, and I couldn't be happier to share it with you. 今天是我们永远的开始,我很高兴能和你分享。

15、You will forever be my always. 你将永远是我的始终。


17、The greatest gift you can give your children is a strong and loving marriage.



20、You are the missing piece of my puzzle, and I am thrilled to have found you on this special day. 你是我拼图上缺失的一块,我很高兴在这个特别的日子里找到了你。




24、As we say our vows, we promise to be each other's constant companion, to love and cherish each other through the good times and the bad.



27、A happy marriage is a lifelong adventure, and I am ready to start this journey with you. 幸福的婚姻是漫长的冒险,我已经准备好和你一起开始这段旅程。

28、A happy marriage is a gift from above. 幸福的婚姻是上天的礼物。

29、Life carries on…

30、Love is a promise that lasts forever. 爱是永恒的承诺。

31、You are my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. 你是我最好的朋友、我的灵魂伴侣以及我生命中的爱。



34、Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. 爱情就像一朵美丽的花,我不一定能触摸它,但它的芳香给花园带来了欢愉。

35、A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.


37、Two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。

38、The happiest day of my life is here, and I am so lucky to have you as my partner. 我人生中最幸福的一天到来了,我有你作为我的伴侣真是太幸运了。

39、Love is not about how much you say "I love you", but how much you can prove that it's true. 爱情不在于你说了多少次“我爱你”,而在于你能证明多少是真的。

40、Our love is a journey that starts at forever and ends at never. 我们的爱是一个从永远开始、直至永不结束的旅程。

41、Today is the start of our forever, and I am so happy to have you by my side. 今天是我们永远的开始,我很高兴你在我身边。

42、Our love is a poem, and today we add a new chapter. 我们的爱是一首诗,今天我们迎来新的章节。

43、I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn. 我会一直爱你,直到星星熄灭,潮水不再涨落。

44、I will always choose you. No matter what happens, I will never let you go. 我会永远选择你。不管发生什么,我不会放手。

45、The secret to a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.


47、You are the sun in my life, and our marriage is the start of a new day. 你是我生命中的太阳,我们的婚姻是新一天的开始。

48、Two souls, two hearts, joined together forever in love. Today, we become one in marriage.

49、The best qualities in a relationship are when you're happy and comfortable being yourself around someone.


51、Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

52、Walking down the aisle, I know that I am blessed to have found someone who completes me and makes my heart sing.

53、With joyful hearts, we exchange rings and commit to a lifetime of love, laughter, and togetherness.


55、My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never. 我对你的爱是一段旅程,从永远开始,到永不结束。

56、As we take each other's hands, we vow to love and cherish each other for the rest of our lives.


58、Today we start a new journey toward forever, and I am so grateful to share it with you. 今天我们开启了通向永远的新旅程,我很感激能和你分享。

59、Today we say "I do", but our love story began long ago. 今天我们说“我愿意”,但我们的爱情故事早已开始。

60、Our marriage is not just a union of two hearts, but a journey of two souls sharing a life of love, joy, and happiness.

61、A successful marriage is a partnership between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.

62、I am so lucky to have found my soulmate in you, my love. 我很幸运在你身上找到我的灵魂伴侣,我的爱。

63、From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. 从今以后,你将不再独行。

64、As we exchange vows, we promise to be each other's rock, to love, respect, and cherish each other always.

65、Knowing that I have you by my side gives me the strength to conquer anything. 知道你在我身边,赋予我征服任何事情的力量。

66、In a great marriage, each person is the best friend to the other.

67、Our marriage is a celebration of love, and I am so excited to spend forever with you. 我们的婚姻是对爱情的庆祝,我很兴奋能和你永远在一起。

68、Know that we belong to each other

69、As we say "I do", we pledge to be each other's constant companion, to love and cherish each other always, and to create a life of love, joy, and happiness together.

70、Being with you makes every moment in my life worth living. 和你在一起,我的生命中的每一刻都值得拥有。
