
时间:2024-06-08 作者:婉约派



Let us build a society that is rooted in the values of innovation, discovery, and progress~~喜欢这种格调的句子吧?急你所急,编辑为朋友们了收集和编辑了“英文语录唯美句子(精选46条)”,请在阅读后,可以继续收藏本页!


1、From the bustling cities to the peaceful countryside, China's beauty and vibrancy are a sight to behold.

2、On this special day, let us remember the contributions made by our great thinkers, scientists, artists, and writers.

3、Our country's growth and development require the continued hard work and dedication of its people.

4、Let us celebrate the blessings of our nation and the talents of our citizens.



7、Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?


9、The National Day holiday is a time to come together as a nation and celebrate our country's achievements and potential.


11、China's rise to global power is a result of our people's hard work, dedication, and visionary leadership.

12、Let us remember the struggles and hardships faced by our ancestors, and take inspiration from their perseverance.

13、Let's recognize our role in building a better future for China and its people.

14、National Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of our poets and writers.



17、China's future is bright, and we must continue to work towards a better tomorrow.

18、National Day is a time to celebrate the spiritual and religious diversity of our nation.

19、As we celebrate National Day, let us remember the importance of protecting our environment and preserving the beauty of our natural world.


21、stranger: could you tell me how to get to the town hall?

22、他向同事请教了如何控制实验的进度。(exercise control over…



24、China's National Day reminds us of the importance of unity, sacrifice, and patriotism.

25、The National Day is an opportunity to reflect on our country's values, culture, and heritage, and renew our commitment towards its preservation and promotion.

26、Let us come together in the spirit of brotherhood to build a stronger and more prosperous society.



29、Happy National Day! Let us all come together and celebrate the many achievements that we have made as a nation.

30、Let us remember the many cultural and artistic traditions that make our country so special.

31、Let us honor the sacrifices and contributions of our musicians and artists.

32、From the mountains of Tibet to the beaches of Hainan, China's beauty and diversity is a source of inspiration and pride.

33、On this special day, let us reaffirm our commitment to creating a better future for ourselves and future generations.

34、China's leadership and influence in the world are a result of its visionary leadership and commitment to progress.


36、As we raise our flags and sing our anthem, let us remember the strength and spirit of the Chinese people.





41、模范例句:mind you! He’s a very nice fellow though bad-tempered

42、Let us cherish the diverse customs and traditions of our country.

43、Can I take a rain check?



46、Let us build a society that is rooted in the values of innovation, discovery, and progress.
