
时间:2024-07-29 作者:婉约派



I want to care about you, but who am I.我们周边的事物人物都会影响我们的心情,使其发生变化,伤感的心情会让我们无法从正确的角度去看待问题。"沉默的痛苦最易淹没人而文字就是救赎这痛苦的最佳工具"。在搜查过程中婉约派提取了伤感文案短句扎心英语的有关报导,时刻保持积极向上的心态这样才能吸引更多正能量进入生活!

1、Of those in right and wrong, the result in the end Joy and sorrow?走过那些是是非非,结果到底是喜是悲?

2、I never blame you, but sometimes I'm disappointed.

3、I want to care about you, but who am I.

4、I still can't let you go, let alone forget you.


6、If loneliness can be sold by Jin, I think I am already a multimillionaire.

7、It's hard to live without you, but I hope you have a good time.

8、It's tiring to like you, but I still like it.

9、It doesnt matter if you can be strong enough.

10、Try again, the result is still unbearable, why let yourself be scarred again.

11、The reality of helplessness, let me learn to be brave, used to camouflage.

12、Let time flow, time change, no complaint, no pain, no sorrow, no surrender, quiet life.

13、Please be confident. You are a landscape. There is no need to look up in other peoples landscape.

14、Why do you have to be reluctant again and again? The more you look forward to it, the more disappointed you are.


16、Thanks to you, I can smoke, drink and swear.

17、When love is disappearing, its like a high-speed car on the road. It cant stop.

18、This should be crazy age, how moved the sentiment.

19、From speechless not to speechless, only changed a word, but missed a once.

20、With you at the beginning of the purpose is to go on, and now the spring breeze, where are you?

21、After walking through the scenery, I still misunderstand you.

22、Even if you are very sad, you should have the most beautiful smile.

23、Forget, love is not a time machine, can not go back to the past.

24、Some things, not a knot, but a scar.

25、Both happiness and sadness in our life would fade away with time. 生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

26、我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀,可是 I cant control my unforgettable memory of you, but I have no expectation about you any more.

27、Rose funeral, I will spend my life to complete!

28、Break up, all the reasons will eventually become an excuse.

29、If you have two hearts with each other, why do you make me pay for love and loyalty wrongly? Dont you think Im out of my wits and youre in love?

30、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰。We used to be so good, but now even a greeting, are afraid to disturb.


32、You are still the reason why I refuse others. I am not waiting for you, but I still dont like others.

33、Have we finished what we have said all our lives? Thats why we are now silent.

34、If I don't take the initiative to contact you, you really didn't expect me.

35、I dont have any special wishes and ideals. I just want to have breakfast and dinner you make. Good morning and good night all listen to you.


37、Life is full of sparkling moments waiting for us to discover. 生命中充满了闪光点,只是在等你去发现。

38、Mention you again,It's already a family name. 再次提起你,已是连名带姓。

39、In fact, love is only a false proposition, it is oneself that magnifies the pain.

40、Can you lend me your ears and listen to my love words of years.

41、I wont frown at anyone you have an affair with in the future.

42、Since there is no way to recover, it is better to let go.

43、I hope the right person will come to you in the end. 愿对的人最终不远万里来到你的身边。

44、Want to hold the wind, want to hold the rain, more ridiculous is to keep you.

45、Don't need you to say too much, from love you to keep chastity for you.

46、Either you don't come or you don't leave.

47、I want you to be more happy and happy forever.

48、It's not easy to be together. It's easier to break up than to start over.


50、Time will help you save your disappointment and tell you no thanks. 时间会帮你攒够失望,并告诉你不用谢。

51、Smoke curling lonely, poison growing face.

52、Sometimes you forgive people just because you want to keep them in your life.

53、Although Im not strong, Im not as weak as you think.

54、No true heart,no broken heart.没有掏心掏肺,就不会撕心裂肺。

55、Listening to the sound of clock swing in the night can disturb my breath.

56、Stranded in the memory of time, the most beautiful memory.

57、Tears flow down, only to know that separation is another kind of awakening.

58、Its tempting to leave in a big way, but its luxury to leave even to say goodbye.
