
时间:2024-02-06 作者:婉约派



I like rain, because only in this way, I will not let you know when I cry.~~愿意把它分享与朋友吗?以下为编辑为你收集整理的下雨的优美句子62句,欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!



2、The sun will come out sooner or later, but the rainy season will not come again.

3、It's another heavy rain. It can wash away the dust of the city, but it can't wipe away the pain in my heart.

4、The rain drenched air, the tired sadness, and the fairy tales in my memory began to slowly melt.

5、There is a kind of love that never asks for return, but always gives; There is a kind of love that is not good at expressing itself, but it can shield us from the wind and rain.

6、Those who can lower themselves are truly noble.

7、You can't be sad for too long. You should grow up now. Your youth should not be wasted on feelings.

8、Listening to the crackling rain outside the window, the world is quiet.

9、When you want to cry, you can only cry enough in rainy days, and you can only smile in front of people.


11、One person holding an umbrella, one person wiping tears, one person is very tired.

12、Rain is a broken poem, and poetry is a continuous rain!

13、The warmest thing is that it suddenly rains outside, and you are still with me.


15、The rain fell silently, but all I heard was the weeping of the fallen souls in the clouds.

16、On rainy days and lonely nights, I wander alone in the deserted street; Thinking of your charming smiling face, although I know there is no room for me in your heart.

17、I went there in the past, and willows were leaning on me. Today I come to think, rain and snow.

18、On rainy days, I am the only one holding the umbrella, and there is no your shadow on the other side.

19、There are rainy days in one's life, but it always turns sunny after rain. A good friend is an umbrella. No matter it is sunny or rainy, he will accompany you.

20、It's raining heavily and I can't go back. I'm not talking about home.

21、I like rain. Because that's the only way. I cried and nobody knew.


22、Breaking up is like a rainstorm. I didn't have an umbrella. I stood in front of the door and tried to knock on your door several times. I asked if you could take shelter from the rain. But I didn't. I just stood in the rain all the time. Later, it cleared up.

23、Maybe people who pay too much attention to feelings will have a hard time after all. Trust, dependence, nostalgia, minute to minute abuse of you beyond redemption.

24、The most regrettable thing in life is that there is no umbrella when it rains, and there is no bowl when eating.

25、Another rainy day, one umbrella for each person. The grass is in the field, and the wind and rain are endless.

26、I don't know why. I really like rainy days. Maybe it's because I can wash my painful heart.

27、Big head, big head, no worries about rain. People have umbrellas, but I have big heads.

28、Every time I close my umbrella in rainy days, I feel like a magician who can shake off all the stars.

29、My choice is to love you or love you more, and your choice is to love me or not!

30、Can you hear the rain still falling? It's my missing

31、On a dark rainy night, a cigarette, a little music and a cup of astringent wine. In fact, I am also intoxicated with such a life, but such intoxication is full of sadness.

32、I like rainy days, because people can't tell rain from tears in the rain.


34、Now, put your hands together. It's raining. It's like talking.

35、Later, there were many cloudy days, but I didn't want to see you again in the rain.

36、Looking at the world through tears, the whole world is crying.

37、I can't see the rainbow after the storm.

38、Don't get close. I don't want to break the situation and hurt myself for you. Don't sympathize. Your every smile and every smile has always been my painful happiness.

39、It's raining. Do you feel my missing when you are not around? The rain drops into my heart with my missing.

40、Accustomed to duplicity, I have to admit that I am afraid of thunder and rain at night, dare not sleep, afraid of being awakened.

41、Listen to the rain in the changing seasons and see the blue clouds. See you later. Even the air is full of smiles.Www.wYP772.cOM

42、The night rain turns the sky blue. Some people do not need posture, but also can achieve a surprise.



44、You just said unintentionally that you don't like rain, but I think of you every rainy day.

45、I am the one who speaks hard, and I am the one who feels sad. I am the one who has to go first, and I am the one who has to turn around frequently.

46、The rain falls, wetting the image in the memory, but it no longer exists when you reach out to touch it. It turns out that everything is just memory.

47、I have always disliked the rain, but it kept raining. I stood alone in the rain with an umbrella, but my hands were powerless.

48、During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and pedestrians on the road wanted to die.

49、I like rainy days, because rainy days can hide my sadness, because rainy days can make me cry uncontrollably without being found. After the rain can continue to strong continue to disguise!

50、If you are very sad now, you can only say that in the future, don't let today's tears flow in vain.

51、You said, don't look back. I know there is only disappointment when you look back, so don't expect me to look back.

52、I especially like sleeping on rainy nights, listening to the sound of rain, as if the whole world is in my mind, the sound of rain, me, and your memories.

53、Your love is a big umbrella, giving me the most beautiful sky.

54、You walk in the rain, you never take an umbrella, you have your own sky, it never rains.

55、It's raining. I don't know who you are holding an umbrella for and whose temperature you keep in your arms.


57、Can you stay away from me, understand me, love me, and then leave me.

58、Gradually I knew that I was being sentimental towards you because your heart was not with me.

59、No matter it is windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, you will always be in your eyes.

60、I like to stand in the rain when it rains, so that no one will find me crying.

61、Don't cry because of any difficulties. Tomorrow is still difficult anyway.

62、I like rain, because only in this way, I will not let you know when I cry.
